Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled and Persuasive Negotiator

Anjay is selling his coffee company, and there are two potential buyers, Bert and Cecilia. Bert values the business at $40,000 while Cecilia values it at $50,000. Anjay is willing to sell for any amount over $20,000. All of these facts are known to all of the parties. If Bert has taken this course, how much do you expect Bert will make?






If Bert has taken this course, he will ask to get paid to play. Without Bert in the picture, we expect the price to be halfway between $20,000 and $50,000, or $35,000. With Bert in the picture, we expect the price to be halfway between $40,000 and $50,000, or $45,000. Thus Bert helps Anjay get an additional $10,000. He should get half of that, or $5,000.

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