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Alison Diploma in Psychology Assessment Answer

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Alison Diploma in Psychology Assessment Answer

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1- If a person steps on a sharp object, it is detected in the foot by a __________ and a message is fired off to the central nervous system. Choose one.
Motor neuron
Mirror neuron
Inter neuron
Sensory neuron



2- Select the answer from the drop-down list on the right to match the description on the left.
Select matching answers from dropdown list.

Sense of sight= Occipital lobe
Perception of space= Parietal lobe
Perception of sound= Temporal lobe
Controls movement, planning, and self-awareness= Frontal lobe



3- Seyle (1956) described the general adaption syndrome (GAS) after he concluded that all stressors produced essentially the same pattern of results and moves through three stages. Arrange the following in the correct sequence.
Drag answers into the correct sequence.

Alarm: where the individual is mobilised for action

Resistance: the individual attempts to cope with the threat through fight or flight
Exhaustion: the individual is unable to overcome the threat and the energy resources have been depleted through attempts to reduce the threat.


4- Which statement best describes sleep apnea? Choose one.

The person has sudden uncontrollable sleep attacks where they go from being wide awake straight into REM sleep
The person experiences excessive daytime sleepiness and has extreme difficulty in awakening
The person has problems getting adequate sleep
This is a temporary cessation of breathing during the night (can be 20 seconds or more) which deprives the person of oxygen.


5- The period of sleep characterised by a high level of alertness and often referred to as ‘paradoxical sleep’ is known as __________? Choose one.

Sleep spindles
REM sleep
Non-REM sleep
Delta sleep


6- A learned response to a conditioned stimulus is also known as what? Choose one.

A stimulus discrimination
A conditioned response
A stimulus generalisation
An unconditioned response


7- A rat in a Skinner box can stop an electric shock if it presses firmly on a lever. The behaviour of pressing the lever acts as a ___________? Choose one.



8- Select the answer from the dropdown list on the right to match the description on the left.
Select matching answers from dropdown list.

Strengthens a response by providing a pleasurable consequence= Positive reinforcer
Strengthens a response by removing or reducing an unpleasant stimulus= Negative reinforcer


9- The __________ is the system of nerves which carries messages to and from the sense organs and skeletal muscles. These nerves carry information from receptors in the skin, muscles, and joints to the central nervous system and then carry on to the muscles. Choose one.

Peripheral nervous system
Autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system
Central nervous system



10- The __________ is the bundle of nerves that connect the two cerebral hemispheres. Choose one.

Corpus Callosum
Cerebral Cortex
Choose one answer.



11- True or False. The cerebral cortex is the area of the brain responsible for reflexes.



12- True or False. A pigeon is trained to peck a disk every time a blue light appears. However, when a new green light appears it also pecks the disk. This is an example of stimulus distraction.



13- The Nervous System sends messages through nerve cells via electrochemical signals. Nerve cells are better known as what? Choose one.

Terminal buttons


14- In operant conditioning if reinforcement is not consistently delivered the conditioned response will disappear over time. What is this an example of? Choose one.

Spontaneous recovery
Negative reinforcement


15- By consistently ringing a bell before the presentation of meat powder Pavlov’s dogs began to associate the bell with food, and the bell took on some of the functional properties of food. what is this an example of? Choose one.

Classical conditioning
Both classical and operant conditiong
Operant conditiong



16- The most widely used instrument to measure electrical brain activity attaches electrodes to the scalp and measures brain waves. What is the name of this instrument? Choose one.



17- Which term best defines classical conditioning? Choose one.

Learning by association
Learning by consequence
Learning by imitation


18- A pigeon’s behaviour of pecking a blue light was reinforced after every fifth attempt. This is an example of what? Choose one.

Extinction phase
Punishment phase
Fixed interval schedule
Fixed ration schedule



19- A number of psychological theories have argued that learning is more than a simple stimulus-response process. This was observed by Kohler’s (1925) study on chimpanzees that used novel methods to achieve goals such as reaching for a banana outside a cage. This is known as what?

Vicarious Learning
Social Learning
Learning Set
Insight Learning


20- Which statement describes a ‘neutral stimulus’? Choose one.

A stimulus which innately produces a response or reflex
A stimulus which, prior to conditioning, would evoke no response
A previously neutral stimulus which now elicits a response similar to a stimulus which innately produces a response or reflex.



21- The __________ is the bundle of nerves that connect the two cerebral hemispheres. Choose one.

Corpus Callosum
Cerebral Cortex


22- he Nervous System sends messages through nerve cells via electrochemical signals. Nerve cells are better known as what? Choose one.

Terminal buttons


23- A number of psychological theories have argued that learning is more than a simple stimulus-response process. This was observed by Kohler’s (1925) study on chimpanzees that used novel methods to achieve goals such as reaching for a banana outside a cage. This is known as what?

Social Learning
Learning Set
Insight Learning
Vicarious Learning


24- By consistently ringing a bell before the presentation of meat powder Pavlov’s dogs began to associate the bell with food, and the bell took on some of the functional properties of food. what is this an example of? Choose one.

Operant conditiong
Classical conditioning
Both classical and operant conditiong



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