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Alison Basic French Language Skills For Everyday Answer

Alison Basic French Language Skills For Everyday Answer. In this post you will get Basic French Language Skills For Everyday Answer | 100% Correct Answer


Alison Basic French Language Skills For Everyday Answer

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1- What is the sky in French? Choose one.
le soleil
le ciel
le nuage
le vent
2- Which of these is the French for mother? Choose one.
le mari
la mère
le père
3- Click and drag the present tense of faire (to do) to match the pronouns on the left.
nousil/= faisons
il/elle/on= fait
je/tu= fais
vous = faites
ils/elles = font
4- Click and drag the English to match the French coordinating conjunctions on the left.
Donc= so
Ou= or
Et= and
Mais= but
5- Click and drag the days into the correct sequence from Thursday to Sunday.
Drag answers into the correct sequence.
Dimanche6- Drag these words into the correct order to form a negative sentence.
Drag answers into the correct sequence.

Malade7- Which of these is the French for the winter? Choose one.

Le printemps
Choose one answer.8- Click and drag the English verbs to match the French verbs on the left.

Manger= to eat
Aimer= to love/like
Avoir= to have

Aller= to go

9- True or false. French verbs are classified into four groups.
10- Click and drag the directions to match the French words on the left.
Ouest= West
Nord= North
Est= East
Sud= South
11- True or false. Faire is an irregular verb.
False12- Click and drag the question words to match the correct French words on the left.

Quand= When
Que= What
Qui= Who
Comment= How

13- Click and drag the colours to match the correct French words on the left.

rouge / rouge= Red
blanc / blanche= White
Noir / noire= Black

bleu / bleue= Blue

14- Click and drag the days into the correct sequence from Monday to Thursday.
Drag answers into the correct sequence.
Jeudi15- Click and drag the forms of transport to match the French words on the left.

une voiture= car
une camion= lorry / truck
un avion= plane

un bateau= boat

16- What are the different kinds of articles in French? Choose three.
Negative articles
Indefinite articles
Definite articles
Partitive articles
Substitute articles
17- Click and drag the greetings to match the correct French words on the left.
Au revoir= Goodbye
Bonjour= Hello
À bientôt=  See you soon
Salut= Hi/goodbye

18- lick and drag the fruits to match the French words on the left.

une pomme= an apple
un citron= a lemon
un ananasu= a pineapple

ne fraise= a strawberry

19- Click and drag the English questions to match the French questions on the left.
Où habites-tu ?= Where do you live?
D’où viens-tu ?= Where are you from?
Qu’est-ce que tu fais ?= What do you do?

Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire ?= What do you like to do?

 20- Click and drag the English translations to match the present indicative of être (to be) on the left.
Il est= He is
Je suis= I am
Tu es= You are

Nous sommes= We are

21- True or false. “Salut! Comment vas-tu?” means “Hi! How are you?”.

22- True or false. French verbs are classified into four groups.
23- Click and drag the days into the correct sequence from Thursday to Sunday.
Drag answers into the correct sequence.
24- Which of these is the French for the winter? Choose one.
Le printemps

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