Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

Casey is on a new team that runs retrospectives after every sprint. She’s impressed that they sometimes review results and that everyone on the team gets a chance to jump in to share why they think things happened during the previous sprint. Sometimes she’s just not sure that she understands the big picture, though. How could her team improve its retrospectives?

5. Question 5 Casey is on a new team that runs retrospectives after every sprint. She’s impressed that they sometimes review results and that everyone on the team gets a…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

You are having lunch with a former colleague, who asks you how your new DevOps job compares to your experience together in a more traditional, legacy environment. How might you be likely to respond?

1. Question 1 You are having lunch with a former colleague, who asks you how your new DevOps job compares to your experience together in a more traditional, legacy environment….

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

BKG Consulting is new to the practice of continuous delivery. They’ve made a lot of progress, but not all configuration is tracked in version control and some processes are still executed manually against process notes. How do teams in similar situations commonly falter during the release stage?

4. Question 4 BKG Consulting is new to the practice of continuous delivery. They’ve made a lot of progress, but not all configuration is tracked in version control and some…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

A team is gradually adopting continuous development practices. They get together to discuss how things are going after every sprint, but they are having trouble finding the best way to look at their progress over time. How would you recommend that the team improve its retrospectives?

5. Question 5 A team is gradually adopting continuous development practices. They get together to discuss how things are going after every sprint, but they are having trouble finding the…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

After release, a problem is discovered in the train ticketing application your team has built. How should the team proceed?

4. Question 4 After release, a problem is discovered in the train ticketing application your team has built. How should the team proceed? 0 / 1 point   Be sure to document any…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

You’ve recently transitioned to a team practicing agile and continuous delivery. You have just finished your first release with the new team. How would you describe the biggest difference between testing in your old legacy environment and the new?

3. Question 3 You’ve recently transitioned to a team practicing agile and continuous delivery. You have just finished your first release with the new team. How would you describe the…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

What’s one reason a tester might prefer to work on a DevOps-oriented team practicing continuous development, rather than in a more traditional, legacy-style environment?

1. Question 1 What’s one reason a tester might prefer to work on a DevOps-oriented team practicing continuous development, rather than in a more traditional, legacy-style environment? 1 / 1 point   The…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

You are conducting usability testing for software that is supposed to improve the sales team’s ability to more quickly identify promising targets for sales calls. The salespeople who participated in user testing are enthusiastic about the software, but you observed that many of them didn’t understand the sorting feature. Which of these might be the cause of this breakdown in usability?

4. Question 4 You are conducting usability testing for software that is supposed to improve the sales team’s ability to more quickly identify promising targets for sales calls. The salespeople…

Hypothesis-Driven Development | Online Course Support

A colleague just handed you the draft of an introduction to a usability test and asked for feedback. How would you suggest he revise the introduction below? Introduction DRAFT:

3. Question 3 A colleague just handed you the draft of an introduction to a usability test and asked for feedback. How would you suggest he revise the introduction below?…