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Business English Management and Leadership Answer

Business English Management and Leadership Answer Of Coursera Quiz. In this post you will get Correct Quiz Answer of Business English Management and Leadership


Business English Management and Leadership Answer

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1.16 Week 1 Test


Question 1
When would you use the DIRECT approach?

1 point

  • You are emailing employees with the news that the company is canceling a popular employee benefits program.
  • You have to decline an invitation to speak at a local business conference due to business travel.
  • You need to communicate to your employees a change in the scheduled meeting.

Question 2
When would you use the INDIRECT approach?

1 point

  • You are emailing an announcement about the winner of your division’s sales contest.
  • You must refuse an employee’s request to attend a conference due to budget constraints.
  • You are requesting updates from your employees on their projects so that you can create a report to send to your boss.

Question 3
TRUE or FALSE? The approach you choose depends on the way it will be received (neutral, negative, positive, etc.) but it also can depend on the audience of your message.

1 point

  • TRUE.
  • FALSE.

Question 4
When using the DIRECT approach, where should you put the core message?

1 point

  • In the middle
  • Up-front, at the beginning
  • At the end

Question 5
What is the correct pattern for the DIRECT approach?

1 point

  • Give your news or make a request
    Offer details if necessary
  • Start with a buffer
    Offer reasons
    Present core message
  • Offer details
    Give your news or make a request
  • Offer reasons
    Present core message


Question 6
What is the correct pattern for the INDIRECT approach?

1 point

  • Buffer
    Negative News
  • Present core message
    Offer details
  • Buffer
    Negative News
  • Redirect
    Negative News


Question 7
Which is an example of a DIRECT request?

1 point

  • Please send me the updated pricing structure.
  • Would you be available to speak to the team on September 3?
  • With modifications, could you implement this plan?


Question 8
Which is an example of an INDIRECT request?

1 point

  • In order to ensure your satisfaction, may I call you tomorrow to follow up?
  • Please update John on the changes we discussed.
  • Please send the figures by May 5.



Question 9
What is the purpose of a buffer in an indirect message? (Check the 3 correct answers.)

1 point

  • It is a way to hide the negative news.
  • It offers context for the news.
  • It builds trust.
  • It is a neutral beginning that helps prepare the reader for the negative news.



Question 10
Why are reasons so effective in communication? (Check all that apply)

1 point

  • People are more likely to accept the bad news if they know why.
  • People are curious
  • People usually like to know why.



Question 11
Which highlighted statements below give Don reasons for something?

1 point

Hi Don,

To follow up on the FDA issue, I reached out to Susanne Deane at the FDA to discuss claims that the health benefits of our BioDent toothpaste marketing are misrepresentative.

She notes that the research does not support our claims when the product is taken lingually. As a result, we will need to adjust our marketing plans.

Next week, Jake will be conducting market research on the potential benefits of customer testimonials. I will continue working on a cost analysis of correcting the packaging and will share the results by the end of the day today.



Hi Don,

To follow up on the FDA issue, I reached out to Susanne Deane at the FDA to discuss claims that the health benefits of our BioDent toothpaste marketing are misrepresentative.

Susan discovered that the research does not support our claims. As a result, we will need to adjust our marketing plans. Jake will be conducting market research on the potential benefits of customer testimonials. I am working on a cost analysis of correcting the packaging and will share the results by the end of the day today.





Question 12
What is a summary?

1 point

  • A summary is a detailed, lengthy description.
  • A summary includes the main idea as well as your opinion of the main idea.
  • A summary retells the big ideas or the main point of something.

Question 13
Why is summary writing an important skill in business? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

  • Business people need to know every detail, even on topics they are not directly responsible for.
  • Senior managers often have many different projects going on at the same time, so it is helpful to communicate only the main idea, so information is passed along quickly.

Question 14
Writing effective summaries involves the following process:

1 point

  • Make sure you fully understand the information in the text.
    Find key words and phrases that are necessary to communicate the main idea.
    Write a topic sentence and supporting sentences .
    Write a concluding sentence.
  • Make sure you fully understand the information in the text.
    Find key words and phrases that are necessary to communicate the main idea.
    Add your opinion about the main idea.
    Write a concluding sentence.
  • Write down all the details of the text.
    Write a topic sentence and supporting sentence including all the details.
    Add key words and phrases.
    Write a concluding sentence.


Question 15
What can modals do? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

  • Modals can express advice, necessity, permission, or probability.
  • Modals can change the feeling or the mood of the verb.
  • Modals can make your sentence less direct.
  • Modals can make your sentence more polite.




2.16 Week 2 Test


Question 1
When planning a meeting, which questions should you ask yourself?

1 point

What is the purpose of this meeting?

Who should attend?

Is this meeting necessary?

What kind of chairs should the meeting room have?

Question 2
What is one of the most important tools for an effective meeting?

1 point

A pot of coffee

A white board

A window with a nice view

An agenda

Question 3
What does “push for closure” mean?

1 point

You push to finish the meeting even if you haven’t finished all the items on your agenda.

You actively seek to answer the questions, WHO is responsible for WHAT and by WHEN?

You push the door closed to have a private meeting.

You push your chair into the table when you sit down.

Question 4
Why is it important to know your purpose for a meeting? (Choose the three correct answers.)

1 point

It is important because is allows the people who will attend the meeting to prepare for the kinds of discussions you will have.

It is important so you know whether you need to pay attention or not.

It is important because it provides context for the types of discussions and decision-making that will be taking place. In other words, will the information flow in only one direction or will extensive discussion be necessary?

It is important so that you know when the purpose has been achieved and you can push for closure.

Question 5
Why is it important to send related materials to your meeting participants ahead of time?

1 point

It is important because it makes more work for you.

It is important because it allows the attendees to read the material before the meeting. This ensures that valuable meeting time will not be wasted because everyone is reading instead of discussing.

It is important because everyone likes to have more work to do.

Question 6
Elizabeth is gathering her team together to discuss options for dealing with a problem the FDA (a federal agency that supervises and regulates such industries as food, drug, tobacco and cosmetics) has with a BioDent marketing claim. She is asking her team for recommendations and she will make a final decision on how to proceed.

Which type of decision-making style will this meeting have?

1 point





Question 7
Elizabeth is planning a team-building retreat for her team. She has a few options and would like to present the options to her team and have them decide together which activity they would like to do.

Which decision-making style will this meeting have?

1 point





Question 8
Which of the following are good examples of phrases you can use to encourage others to participate?

1 point

“That’s an interesting point. Tell me more.”

“That’s not the focus of today’s meeting.”

“What is your opinion on the direction we are taking?”

“Let’s table that discussion until later.”

Question 9
Why is it beneficial to summarize at the end of a meeting? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

It clearly identifies who is responsible for what and by when.

It allows you to reinforce any near-term deadlines.

It allows you to continue talking much longer.

It gives the opportunity to clarify any misunderstandings.

Question 10
What is the correct contraction for “will” in the negative?

1 point





Question 11
Which three sentences are written correctly? (Check three.)

1 point

She willn’t be able to make the trip.

Is Catherine going to do a what-if analysis?

We’re going to have to postpone the meeting.

Why won’t Jake stop talking?

Question 12
First. they realize that small decisions should be routine. Don’t spend valuable time deciding what to wear; keep it simple. This frees your brain up for the more complex decisions. Secondly, making complex decisions in the morning, when your brain is fresh, allows you to focus on that decision before minor distractions like phone calls and emails get in the way. Third, they understand when emotions are getting in the way of smart decision making. And finally, they use set criteria, such as a SWOT analysis, to consider their options before making a decision. In these ways, successful people make smart decisions.

(Adapted from: Bradberry, T. (2015, October 7). How Successful People Make Smart Decisions. Retrieved October 7, 2015, from

What is the best topic sentence for this summary?

1 point

Successful people know how to balance their emotions so the decisions they make are not affected by a bad mood.

Successful people understand how to simplify decision-making.

Successful people follow four key strategies when making decisions.

Question 13
A topic sentence is made up of which two parts?

1 point

a topic and a conclusion

a topic and details

a topic and a main idea

Question 14
Which questions help you determine the best details to include in a summary?

1 point






Question 15
What can you do when you are on a conference call (or remote meeting) to help keep the meeting running smoothly? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Interrupt others when they are speaking.

Check your equipment and make sure you have the number and passcode ready.

Pay attention during the call. Avoid distrations.

Review the agenda ahead of time and be prepared.

Identify yourself when it is your turn to speak: “This is Catherine, from Finance…”




3.15 Week 3 Test


Question 1
In conversational turn-taking, what are the cultural styles? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Pause culture

Interrupt culture

Wait culture

Stop culture

Question 2
Which phrases are appropriate for redirecting someone who has been dominating the floor? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

“You make a good point, but I’d like to hear from some of the others, too.”

“Catherine, how does this relate to what we were discussing?”

“That is a good point. Tell me more.”

Question 3
Which strategies can you use to prevent other from interrupting you? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Speak with a confident voice.

Begin with a phrase such as “I’m not sure this is correct, but…”.

Be concise.

Begin with a brief outline of what you are going to say, such as “I have two concerns I’d like to discuss.”

Offer your main point at the beginning, then follow-up with details.

Question 4
How can you help non-native speakers of a language during a conference call? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Speak clearly

Avoid using jargon or slang.

Speak quickly

Offer regular opportunities for comprehension checks. For example, “is everyone clear on what needs to be done?”

Question 5
As a non-native speaker of a language, how can YOU prepare for a conference call? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Review the agenda and any additional materials ahead of time.

Review vocabulary that may come up in the meeting.

Find a quiet place without distractions.

Play some music in the background.

Prepare key phrases for interruption or clarification.

Question 6
What can “I don’t understand” mean? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

The person didn’t understand a business concept you were talking about.

The person didn’t understand a word you used.

The person didn’t hear what you said.

The person didn’t understand the way something was said and needs it said in a different way.

Question 7
There are times when you will need to interrupt a person who is speaking. What are some ways to interrupt politely? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Use the person’s name.

Say, “Stop talking.”

Say, “I’m sorry to interrupt, but…”

Say “Excuse me…”

Question 8
Which is a good phrase to use to summarize or check your understanding?

1 point

“Can you define ‘deep dive’? I don’t know what that means.”

“So to be clear, you are saying…”

“Could you repeat that? I couldn’t hear you.”

Question 9
Which is a good phrase to use to let someone know that you didn’t hear something?

1 point

“I’m sorry. I didn’t quite catch what you said.”

“I’m afraid I’m not familiar with that term.”

“Could you tell me more about…?”

Question 10
Which is a good phrase to use when you didn’t understand a concept someone used?

1 point

“I’d like to interrupt here…”

“Could you tell me more about________? I am not familiar with that.”

“Could you repeat that please?”

Question 11
What are infinitives and gerunds?

1 point

Adjectives that combine with verbs

Nouns that are only people and places, not things.

Verbs that bind with other verbs to become nouns

Question 12
Which sentence contains a gerund?

1 point

Once Jake began talking, he wouldn’t stop.

Toby decided to check his email.

Catherine tried to get Jake to stop.

Question 13
Which sentence contains a gerund?

1 point

Elizabeth needs to develop a status report.

Lucy likes sending instant messages during meetings.

Don urged Elizabeth to talk to Gary in Human Resources.




4.18 Week 4 Test


Question 1
Why is it helpful to start writing the body of the email BEFORE you put names in the “To” line?

1 point

Because you want to be able to add as many people to the email as you want.

Because you don’t know to whom you are writing.

Because the email won’t get accidentally sent before it is ready.

Question 2
What are the features of an effective subject line? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

It should not offer any specifics.

It should be detailed.

It should be clear.

It should be concise.

Question 3
Choose the best example of a subject line.

1 point



Need interview

BioDent Testimonials – Interview Request

Question 4
Why is it important to know the purpose of your email?

1 point

Having a clear idea of why you are writing will make your writing more clear and to the point.

Knowing why you are writing will make it easier to add lots of details and explanations.

Question 5
TRUE or FALSE? A lot of dense text will mean your reader will understand more in less time.

1 point



Question 6
Which are some ways to create white space in your email? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Use short paragraphs

Use only three words per sentence.

Use headings or sub-headings

Use bullet points or numbered lists

Use concise language

Question 7
Which is an effective closing in an email?

1 point

“I suggest you contact Jake Bright (+1.934.555.1234) in Marketing to discuss the demographics further.”

“I look forward to your response.”

“I hope this email finds you well.”

Question 8
How is a summary of a status report like a dashboard in a car?

1 point

It communicates the overall health of your project and allows you to see a lot of information quickly.

It contains a lot of details.

Question 9
The status report condenses many, many hours of work into a quick read that answers which of the following questions? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

What’s for dinner?

How are we doing?

Do I (your boss) need to get involved?

Where are we going next?

Where are we?

Question 10
TRUE or FALSE? Adjectives and adverbs are some of the first words to eliminate when trying to make your writing more concise.

1 point



Question 11
Which sentence would VIcki StrongVerb prefer?

1 point

Verification of the order happened yesterday.

We verified the order yesterday.

Question 12
Which sentence is stronger?

1 point

Please give consideration to changing the packaging.

Please consider changing the packaging.

Question 13
How would you say the following number: 23.5?

1 point

“twenty three five”

“twenty three point five”

“twenty three dot five”

Question 14
How would you say the time: 3:52?

1 point

“three five two”

“three o’clock fifty two”

“three fifty two”

Question 15
How would you say this amount: $32.99? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

“thirty two dollars and ninety nine cents”

“thirty two nine nine”

“thirty two dot ninety nine”

“thirty two ninety nine”





5.16 Week 5 Test


Question 1
Which is an example of coaching?

1 point

Don has been offering Elizabeth advice for years. He sees her potential and has been guiding her career.

Elizabeth gives Toby some feedback about how checking his email affects others during their meetings.

Question 2
Which is an example of mentoring?

1 point

Over the years, Catherine has gotten to know Carla Messina, the company Chief Financial Officer, at various business conferences. Catherine has been looking for a change in her job, and she meets with Carla to discuss her options and to get advice about which direction would be best.

Don would like Elizabeth to provide him with status reports that more clearly summarize the important points and that make it easy for him to get an overview of the project, so he makes some recommendations and suggests she read the book, “Writing Reports Bosses Want to Read.”

Question 3
Why is it important for coaching to be given in a timely way? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Because if you wait too long, the employee might fix the problem themselves.

Constructive feedback is most effective when it is given close to the behavior you want to improve.

Like a soccer coach, you would not wait until the end of the season or even the end of the game to give feedback to your players.

Question 4
Which elements are important parts of one-on-one coaching? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Use an “I” focus.

Listen carefully.

Offer to role play a scenario.

Ask questions.

Give general suggestions for improvement.

Try to get agreement.

Question 5
What are Tuckman’s phases of group development? (Check all that apply.)

1 point






Question 6
Why is it helpful to know which of the phases of group development you are in? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

If you know what phase you are in, you know how best to lead the team.

If you know what phase you are in, you know what you should focus on.

If you know what phase you are in, you know the potential problems that could occur.

If you know what phase you are in, you can impress your colleagues by naming it.

Question 7
What are the characteristics of the Storming phase?

1 point

Celebration, sadness, pride

Tension, conflict, misunderstandings

Trust, camaraderie, commitment

Awkwardness, polite behavior, uncertainty

Compromise, respect, focus

Question 8
What should be the focus of the Forming phase?

1 point

Focus on team-building activities and introductions. Identify goals and roles.

Focus on process, tasks, and responsibilities. Review resources, timelines, and action items. WHO should be responsible for WHAT by WHEN?

Focus on celebrating accomplishments and debriefing.

Focus on open communication and resolving conflict.

Question 9
What leadership style is best suited for the Norming phase?

1 point





Question 10
What are the two parts of a first conditional sentence?

1 point

Two parts, each containing a modal.

A part with a “because” clause, and a part with a reason.

A part with an “if” clause, and a part with something likely to happen.

Question 11
Identify the first conditional sentences. (Check all that apply.)

1 point

We have had success with the product placement, but not with the packaging.

Production will continue if we resolve the labor unrest.

If my English improves, I may get a promotion.

Question 12
Complete this sentence:

If the labor unrest continues, …

1 point

we won’t be able to meet our goals.

the strike will be over.

we were not able to meet our goals.

Question 13
How can you be an active listener? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Show non-verbal behaviors (look the speaker in the eye, nod your head).

Be present in the conversation.

Interrupt regularly to keep the conversation interesting to you.

Paraphrase what you heard.

Ask specific questions to clarify your understanding.

Question 14
Giving feedback has two parts: the part where you initiate the feedback and the part where the person you are coaching has an opportunity to respond.

In the first part, what sequence of steps are effective in giving feedback?

1 point

Talk about how this affects others.
Describe what you have observed.
State your purpose for the feedback.

State your purpose for the feedback.
Describe what you have observed.
Talk about how this affects others.

Describe what you have observed.
Talk about how this affects others.
State your purpose for the feedback.
Question 15
Giving feedback has two parts: the part where you initiate the feedback and the part where the person you are coaching has an opportunity to respond.

In the second part, what sequence of steps are effective in giving feedback?

1 point

Close with something positive.
Offer suggestions.
Give them a chance to react.

Give them a chance to react.
Offer suggestions.
End with something positive.

Offer suggestions.
Close with something positive.
Give them a chance to react.




6.3 Final Examination



The email contains several unrelated topics.

The writing is not concise.

The writing is not concrete.

The email uses white space effectively.

The subject line is vague and unrelated to the main idea of the email.

The email uses direct / indirect approach appropriately.

Question 2
Using the same email, now answer the question about the bolded section. Which would be the BEST improvement for this email’s subject line?

1 point

Abco Spreadsheet

Trade Show Logo

Angela’s Document

Possible Solution to Abco Spreedsheet

Question 3
This is the same email as in the previous question. Now answer the question about a different bolded section. What is the BEST solution for the second paragraph?


1 point

Leave it where it is but shorten it to “Which version of the logo do you need for next month’s trade show?”

Move it to the beginning of the email.

Move it to a separate email just for that topic.

Question 4
Based on the information you have here, which would be the BEST approach for this email if you were to re-write it?

1 point



Question 5
Based on the information you have here, which would be the BEST new opening sentence for this email?

1 point

Adding the subtotals to column D might solve the problem.

Angela had some old documents that could help with the spreadsheet problem.

I may have a solution to the analysis issue you were having with the Abco spreadsheet.

Question 6
Convert the bolded sentences into a single first conditional sentence. Choose the BEST option.

1 point

If we solve the problem, we will include a spot for the subtotals in column D.

Including a spot for the subtotals in column D will solve the problem.

If we include a spot for the subtotals in column D, it could solve the problem.

Question 7
Which of the sentences below contain an infinitive and/or gerund?

Sentence 1: I came back to my desk and I was thinking back about some of the things we discussed and I started to have a few ideas.
Sentence 2: I’m not sure if you are interested, but I hope this might help fix the issues you were having.
Sentence 3: We have two or three, but I think Mary is doing another one if we need it.
1 point

Sentence 1

Sentence 2

Sentence 3

Question 8
In the last paragraph, Rick makes a request. How would you make that request more polite? (Check all possible options.)

Share the name of the restaurant you recommended. I want to try it out.

Would you mind sharing the name of the restaurant you recommended? I would like to try it out.

Could you please share the name of the restaurant you recommended? I would like to try it out.

Please share the name of the restaurant you recommended; I would like to try it out.

Question 9
Review the email below, then answer the question. Which is the BEST summary of the main idea of the first paragraph?

1 point

Rick thinks adding the subtotals to column D will solve the spreadsheet problem, and he wants to discuss this solution with John.

Rick has ideas.

Rick wonders if John remembers Angela.

Rick has a solution, and he wants to discuss it with John.

Question 10
At the end of the email, Rick included his phone number. How would you say that number out loud?



1 point

one (pause) four five four (pause) five five five (pause) one two three four

one (pause) four hundred fifty four (pause) twelve thirty four

one four five four five five five one two three four

Question 11
If you were Rick’s boss, what areas would you choose to coach him on? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Up-front communication

Email structure

Concise writing

Question 12
What recommendations would you have if you were coaching an employee on effective meeting strategies? (Check all that apply.)

1 point

Don’t worry about going over the time planned for the meeting; your issues are important!

Have a detailed agenda, and distribute it ahead of time.

Push for closure, by identifying WHO is responsible for WHAT by WHEN.

Include lots of people in every meeting.

Know the purpose of the meeting.

Balance speaking time by politely interrupting those who dominate the floor and redirecting attention to others who have not had an opportunity to speak.

Work to eliminate distractions.

Question 13
What should be the focus of the Adjourning phase?
Forming Storming Norming Performing (Adjourning)
Characteristics Awkwardness, polite behavior, uncertainty Tension, conflict, misunderstandings Compromise, respect, focus Trust, camaraderie, commitment Celebration, sadness, pride
Focus Focus on team-building activities and introductions. Identify goals and roles. Focus on open communication and resolving conflict. Focus on process, tasks, and responsibilities. Review resources, timelines, and action items. WHO should be responsible for WHAT by WHEN? Focus on responsibilities and goals.
Leadership Style Directing Coaching Facilitating Delegating Congratulating, Praising
1 point

Focus on celebrating accomplishments and debriefing.

Focus on goals and outcomes.

Focus on introductions.


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