Advanced Competitive Strategy | Online Course Support

Imagine you are the CEO of a software company which is about to introduce a new, much safer and more efficient cloud system for online data storage. You have heard from your business intelligence department that some rivals are trying to develop a similar technology with a different standard. What is true when trying to raise attention for your planned standard?


This is correct. If the announced release date cannot be realized (in some cases like the game “Duke Nukem” many years later), customers can be very disappointed and probably will choose another cloud system.


This is correct. Since the new cloud system is an innovative product customers as well as competitors will be very interested in this product and will probably associate the innovation with the firm.


This is true. If you announce the new cloud system, other competitors who are in earlier research stages for the same product will probably change or even completely abandon their research efforts for this cloud system (because your firm would have a first mover advantage that is extremely hard to beat).


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