Managing Data Analysis

The analyst who created this plot concludes that the relationship between the dosage received and the response is linear. Furthermore, a statistical test indicates that the relationship between the response and the dosage is statistically significant.

3. Question 3 Consider the following plot from the previous question. The analyst who created this plot concludes that the relationship between the dosage received and the response is linear….

Managing Data Analysis | Online Course Support

An analyst on your team was analyzing some data and was engaging in formal modeling of the data to address an inferential question. Upon completing the modeling she found that the estimate of the association across her primary model and secondary models varied substantially in magnitude and direction, which was unexpected.

3. Question 3 An analyst on your team was analyzing some data and was engaging in formal modeling of the data to address an inferential question. Upon completing the modeling…

Managing Data Analysis | Online Course Support

Suppose a member of your team is analyzing a new dataset and notices that for a certain variable the values are labelled as 0 or 1 but it is not clear what the “0” or the “1” represent. This member of your team is aware of a code book that contains information about the variables but does not have a copy of it.

2. Question 2 Suppose a member of your team is analyzing a new dataset and notices that for a certain variable the values are labelled as 0 or 1 but…

Managing Data Analysis | Online Course Support

You are building a web site and are A/B testing two different designs for the site. You want to know which designs lead to people taking a certain action on your web site (e.g. buying a product, clicking a button). The tests for the different designs are conducted separately over time because you do not want there to be two different versions of the web site available at any given time.

5. Question 5 You are building a web site and are A/B testing two different designs for the site. You want to know which designs lead to people taking a…

Managing Data Analysis | Online Course Support

Which of the following is a characteristic of the result from your primary model that you should consider during the interpretation phase?

2. Question 2 Which of the following is a characteristic of the result from your primary model that you should consider during the interpretation phase? 1 / 1 point   Uncertainty   Statistical…

Managing Data Analysis | Online Course Support

You are conducting an associational analysis and attempting to estimate the association between soda consumption in the U.S. and body mass index (BMI). As part of a sensitivity analysis you fit a series of 5 different models which of which produce a different estimate of the association, which is the change in BMI per 12 oz can of sode consumed daily. A plot of the estimates from the 5 models and their 95% confidence intervals is shown below.

4. Question 4 You are conducting an associational analysis and attempting to estimate the association between soda consumption in the U.S. and body mass index (BMI). As part of a…