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The table table_name includes the following row: id bool1 bool2 b​ool3 3​4 t​rue f​alse t​rue Which of the following would include that row in the result set? Check all that apply.

Question 5
The table table_name includes the following row:

id bool1 bool2 b​ool3
3​4 t​rue f​alse t​rue
Which of the following would include that row in the result set? Check all that apply.

1 point

  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE bool1 AND NOT (bool2 OR bool3)
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE NOT bool1 OR bool2 AND bool3
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE NOT bool2 AND bool3
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE bool1 AND bool2 OR bool3
  • SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE NOT (bool1 AND bool2)

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