Self Awareness and the Effective Leader

Module 2 Quiz Self Awareness and the Effective Leader

Module 2 Quiz Self Awareness and the Effective Leader


See the National Academy of Engineering article “The Engineer of 2020,” and the video in the module. Not only will high ethical standards remain essential to the profession, but also the need will grow for engineers to participate actively in public policy debates on technology and its impacts.

The emphasis in the article is on the impact of broader rather than narrower education needs for engineers. Exposure to a non-engineering perspective on social and cultural impacts of technology will become increasing important to future generations of engineers.


On the contrary, the overwhelming abundance of data generated by improved automation and computational capabilities will require engineers with better critical thinking skills to sort the important from the irrelevant. The ability to think both analytically and creatively will be a hallmark of the successful engineer and engineering leader. See also the “Engineer of 2020” video and reading in this module.

See also the “Engineer of 2020” video and reading in this module. The pace of change will dictate that engineers and leaders evolve as technology changes. This means that the ability to learn new skills will be more important than overall mastery. Significant learning will occur on the job.

See the “Prioitizing Time” video in this module. You can also find information in the Whetten and Cameron text (8th edition pp121-128, 9th edition pp 96-100).

See the “Time Management” video in this module. The emphasis is adapting behavior so that we can fit critical activities into the time available.

See the “Time Management” video in this module. Here, the emphasis is on eliminating some, but not all low-importance/low urgency activities in order to create more space for quadrant 1 and 2 activities.

See the “Time Management” video in this module, and the readings in Whetten and Cameron (8th edition pp 121-128, 9th edition pp 95-100). By managing our behavior appropriately, we can more effectively control the impact of time stressors.

Review both the “Engineer of 2020” video and the Kennedy speech video to see that the themes were remarkably consistent and congruent.

See the “President Kennedy’s Engineering Challenge” video in this module.

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