Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making | Online Course Support

x-bar (x̄), i.e., “standard error,” of a distribution is calculated by taking the population standard deviation and dividing it by the square root of 5 times n (where n is sample size).

17. Question 17 x-bar (x̄), i.e., “standard error,” of a distribution is calculated by taking the population standard deviation and dividing it by the square root of 5 times n…

Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making | Online Course Support

Based on the pie chart shown here, “other sources” made up a relatively smaller proportion of US electricity sources as compared to wood fuels.

17. Question 17 Based on the pie chart shown here, “other sources” made up a relatively smaller proportion of US electricity sources as compared to wood fuels. Figure 2: The…

Exploring and Producing Data for Business Decision Making | Online Course Support

When we wish to summarize the proportion (or fraction) of items in a class we use the frequency distribution for each class.

7. Question 7 When we wish to summarize the proportion (or fraction) of items in a class we use the frequency distribution for each class. 1 point   True  …