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You have a database in which some bad data in the column named score is marked with NULL and some is marked with the value -1. For your purposes, you can do more with values marked -1, so you want to replace all NULL values in the score column with -1 but otherwise leave the score values as they are. Which of the following will do this? Check all that apply.

Question 10
You have a database in which some bad data in the column named score is marked with NULL and some is marked with the value -1. For your purposes, you can do more with values marked -1, so you want to replace all NULL values in the score column with -1 but otherwise leave the score values as they are. Which of the following will do this? Check all that apply.

1 point

  • CASE WHEN score IS NULL THEN -1 ELSE score END
  • ifnull(score, -1) Note: For some engines this is nvl(score, -1)
  • nullif(score, -1)
  • if(score IS NULL, -1, score)
  • if(score = -1, NULL, score)
  • CASE WHEN score = -1 THEN NULL ELSE score END

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