Online Course Support

Which FROM clauses could you use to return data about all the employees in california_emp, even the remote workers who are not assigned to an office (office_id=NULL) or those erroneously assigned to a non-existent office? Select all that apply.

Question 9
Which FROM clauses could you use to return data about all the employees in california_emp, even the remote workers who are not assigned to an office (office_id=NULL) or those erroneously assigned to a non-existent office? Select all that apply.

1 point

FROM california_offices o RIGHT OUTER JOIN california_emp e ON e.office_id=o.office_id

FROM california_emp e RIGHT OUTER JOIN california_offices o ON e.office_id=o.office_id

FROM california_offices o LEFT OUTER JOIN california_emp e ON e.office_id=o.office_id

FROM california_emp e LEFT OUTER JOIN california_offices o ON e.office_id=o.office_id

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