Online Course Support | Text Retrieval and Search Engines

Let qq be the original query vector, D_R=\{P_1,…,P_n \}DR​={P1​,…,Pn​} be the set of positive document vectors, and D_N=\{N_1,…,N_m\}DN​={N1​,…,Nm​} be the set of negative document vectors. Let q_1q1​ be the expanded query vector after applying Rocchio on D_RDR​ and D_NDN​ with positive parameter values \alphaα, \betaβ, and \gammaγ. Let q_2q2​ be the expanded query vector after applying Rocchio on D_RDR​ and D_NDN​ with the same values for \alphaα, \betaβ, but \gammaγ being set to zero. Which of the following is correct?


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