Introduction to GIS Mapping | Online Course Support

For the same spatial area, a raster file with a spatial resolution of 30 m has a ________ data volume than does a raster file with a spatial resolution of 15 m.

6. Question 6 For the same spatial area, a raster file with a spatial resolution of 30 m has a ________ data volume than does a raster file with a…

Introduction to GIS Mapping | Online Course Support

You will generally want to create this type of “container” for the feature classes you will be working with:

3. Question 3 You will generally want to create this type of “container” for the feature classes you will be working with: 1 point   file geodatabase   personal geodatabase…

Introduction to GIS Mapping | Online Course Support

If the actual distance between two points on the ground is 1 km, what is the distance between these same two points on a map that has a scale of 1:100,000?

5. Question 5 If the actual distance between two points on the ground is 1 km, what is the distance between these same two points on a map that has…