Entrepreneurship 2: Launching your Start-Up | Online Course Support

Research within the video game industry showed that ___ percent of variation between the performance of games can be attributed to middle managers at the video game developer.

5. Question 5 Research within the video game industry showed that ___ percent of variation between the performance of games can be attributed to middle managers at the video game…

Entrepreneurship 2: Launching your Start-Up | Online Course Support

Prechelt (2000) found that programmers in the top 25 percentile (by performance) can perform ___ higher than those in the bottom 25 percentile.

4. Question 4 Prechelt (2000) found that programmers in the top 25 percentile (by performance) can perform ___ higher than those in the bottom 25 percentile. 1 point    …

Entrepreneurship 2: Launching your Start-Up | Online Course Support

True or False? When forming a team, you should always choose people who are different from you to maximize performance.

6. Question 6 True or False? When forming a team, you should always choose people who are different from you to maximize performance. 1 point   True   False

Entrepreneurship 2: Launching your Start-Up | Online Course Support

Allocating equity among founders should be based on the relative value of the assets the founders contribute, including:

  10. Question 10 Allocating equity among founders should be based on the relative value of the assets the founders contribute, including: 1 point   The original idea   Cash…