Online Course Support

What are the steps to run a SELECT statement in Hue?

Question 3
What are the steps to run a SELECT statement in Hue?

1 point

  • Navigate to the Table Browser and click on the table you want to use. Enter the SELECT statement in the text box. Then run the statement by typing Enter.
  • Navigate to the Table Browser and click on the table you want to use. Enter the SELECT statement in the text box. Then run the statement either by clicking the blue Execute arrow or typing Ctrl (Control) + Enter.
  • Click the Query button or Query dropdown to select the query editor you want to use. Enter the SELECT statement in the text box. Then run the statement by typing Enter.
  • Click the Query button or Query dropdown to select the query editor you want to use. Enter the SELECT statement in the text box. Then run the statement either by clicking the blue Execute arrow or typing Ctrl (Control) + Enter.

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